Professionals for Reform Support Mechanism



The Professionals for Reform Support Mechanism (PRSM) provides human resource support to critical reform initiatives undertaken by national governmental agencies.

Technically, PRSM is housed under the auspices of the Ukrainian non-governmental organization "Foundation for Support of Reforms in Ukraine" that manages the day-to-day management of PRSM. Management decisions on PRSM, including the approval of reform initiatives and placements, are made by a Governance Committee comprised of representatives of the National Reform Council and donors. 

PRSM is a temporary mechanism to support reform initiatives in Ukraine. It is not meant to address the complexities of civil service reform. Rather, it is a time-bound mechanism that addresses priority reforms in the short-term, while longer-term work of civil service reform is undertaken. PRSM is inherently linked to the capacity within the government to undertake reforms. Once this capacity is achieved, likely following wholescale civil service reform, the fund will be dissolved.

PRSM is a platform for a coordinated response that ensures:

  • A link to priority reforms and reform oversight – PRSM is under the umbrella of the National Reform Council and responds to priority reform needs
  • Transparency flowing ministerial requests through one window improves donor coordination and avoids overlap of donor funding
  • Consistency: requests are managed according to one set of procedures
  • Legality: all human resources are contracted according to law and paid via bank transfer.

For realizing the above-mentioned purposes PRSM:

  • Selects initiatives based on clearly defined links to priority reforms
  • Ensures transparent recruitment of human resources
  • Manages the contracting and payment of human resources
  • Provides financial reports for donors
  • Monitors initiatives for results.

At the request of a GoU ministry, the PRSM recruits short to medium-term local Ukrainian experts and specialists, from outside government, to undertake assignments critical to reform within the GoU. The PRSM also pays for limited term salaries of key positions from within the army of volunteers that currently work without pay on reforms across government ministries.


The PRSM welcomes new foreign and domestic capital contributions.  Based on initial demand, funding needs are expected to reach US$12M in its lifetime. This versatile mechanism will be of most interest to those donors seeking a coordinated, highly managed, transparent mechanism to directly and effectively assist the Ukrainian government locate and engage the best HR talent they can to support their respective reform efforts.

Through PRSM, donors may support priority reforms overseen by the NRC through the pooled fund or earmark their funding to support a specific reform initiative within a particular Ministry or Government Agency.


Professionals for Reform Support Mechanism Projects


Human Resources Support of Reforms in Ukraine

During July-December 2016 the Foundation for Support of Reforms in Ukraine is implementing a project "Human Resources Support of Reforms in Ukraine" with the support of the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The goal of the project is to provide human resource support to critical reform initiatives undertaken by national governmental agencies via supporting reform initiatives, which that represent a change that can be clearly articulated and measured. The project does not support routine work of the Government of Ukraine that is normally managed by the civil service.

The project is expected to result in improved business climate, increased transparency, efficiency and effectiveness of government decisions.

Learn more about Grant agreement and General conditions appliccable to Grants between the Foundation for Support of Reforms in Ukraine and the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


For further information please contact the PRSM Manager Iryna Tushnytska

Tel.: +38 044 279 56 48.